What Really Stops People From Making Money Online

You can probably boil down to two main reasons why people do not make money on the Internet today. If you’re honest with yourself you will probably agree with me on what really stops people from making money online.

1. They do not have a clear reason why they want to make money. It’s easy to say you want to make an extra $200 a month, but it’s hard to actually do it.

People who are successful do not want to make an extra $200 a month. What they want to do is make $200 a month so they can pay off their car early. They want to make an extra $200 a month so they can cover groceries for the last week when they are short from their paycheck.

These are clear cut reasons why a person wants to make money and it will drive them to do whatever it takes to get that goal. You should set a clear-cut goal yourself and post it on a piece of paper in front of your computer where you can read it every day.

2. Making money on the Internet is not an easy thing to do. The hardest part is learning how to make money online. Learning the skills it takes to be successful it is extremely hard.

It is kind of like learning to play the guitar. You may struggle for several weeks before you even learn a couple of chords. However if you stick with it over time you will become an excellent guitar player.

The same concept is true when it comes to making money online and developing the skills it takes to learn how to do that.

You can start your SFI business on a part-time basis without giving up your current source of income until SFI is generating the income you require. And the best part is you can continue to operate indefinitely on a part-time basis. What would you do if you were financially independent and most of your time was free to do with as you pleased? This is why so many people are flocking to SFI. And that’s why we say that SFI puts the freedom back in free enterprise!

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