Make Money Solving One Very Big Offline Business Need

Off line businesses have a real need to create an online presence. If you know anything about Internet marketing you can make money helping them solve this need.

As hard as it is to believe many off-line businesses still do not have a website of their own. What is interesting however is most of these business owners know they need a website but are not sure how to go about getting one.

You probably live in an area right now where you could provide a service of putting off line businesses on the Internet by creating a website or blog for them.

All you have to do is open the Yellow Pages to quickly see who is promoting a website in their ad and who’s not. You can fire off a short letter introducing yourself and offering your services.

A good approach is to offer a free consultation where you get to know the business owner and their needs. You will find most business owners are more receptive to that approach than if they think you’re just trying to sell them a website.

The other thing you will notice is many off line businesses that have a website do not have a lead capture form on it. This is another way you can quickly make money and help them solve a big need.

Offer to create a lead capture form and set up a short series of autoresponder messages for them. Explain to them how they are losing potential business by not having a list.

Show them how you can help them with this service. It will increase the chances of making a sale of your own service and solve another big need they have.

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